A contradicting journal giving an insight to what works, what doesn't and all the feelings in between.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Scale Surprises!
How many of you all have done this? "Oh! I lost ___ lbs, well I certainly deserve a treat!" BAD!
I shouldn't be yelling at you though, because I am extremely guilty of doing this.
I decided a few days ago that I am going to try to stay away from wheat products. I am highly allergic to grass, and since wheat is a form of grass, I figure it couldn't be good for my stomach/insides. NOTE: I am not going carb-free!! Still eating fruit, and potatoes, etc.. So far it's been 4 days. I can't really tell if I feel any differently, but I heard it takes 1-2 weeks to really feel a change. I haven't gotten on the scale in weeks because honestly, I've been feeling pretty chunky. You know that phase where all you can fit into is sweatpants or leggings, but you have to wear a really baggy shirt to hide your love handles? Yeah, that's where I'm at right now. Last night I wore jeans to my uncle's birthday party and all I wanted to do was open the button so that my FUPA could breathe. (If you don't know what a FUPA is, please look it up.)
I didn't eat too bad at the party. Had a decent amount of cheese, fruit, veggies and shrimp cocktail. Honestly, that was most of what I consumed the whole night. I drank water, and had half a piece of ice cream cake for dessert. Not terrible.
Since I've been feeling pretty pudgy, I decided I should get on the scale this morning, just to see what I'm dealing with here. The screen blinked… 168.5
Wait, what?
Down from 175?
I thought I was just imagining things. I was waiting for the scale to sprout arms and legs and start dancing. "Hahahaha, I was just kidding!"
I should be happy about this, but I'm honestly not. I don't FEEL thinner. I certainly don't look it. I have no idea how this happened. I am going to weigh myself tomorrow morning as well, just to compare.
But to get back to where I started this post… Since I was down so much today, I "rewarded" myself with Burger King. SO BAD! I need to learn how to reward myself with non food items.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a safe, fun and happy new year! Looking forward to making some changes, and being more positive!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
End Of Year Review
Since we are coming close to the new year, everyone always reflects on the good and bad that has happened to them over the past 12 months.
My friend and I were talking this morning about how long we've been known each other. We met while both starting NutriSystem last November. It is now 13 months later and we are both in fact, heavier than we were last year. I'm just speaking for myself, but after NutriSystem I did Weight Watchers, then counted calories, then back on Weight Watchers.. and I've GAINED. Do you know how much of a difference I could have made in a YEAR!? I could've completely transformed my body for the better. And the opposite happened. That really, really upsets me.
This is probably the worst I've felt in a while.. physically and mentally.
I'm gonna be brutally honest about why I have such a lack of willpower and why food gives me such anxiety…
Thursday, December 6, 2012
This Kind of Blows.
OK, I can't speak for all women obviously, but I get the WORST freaking PMS symptoms. For the entire week before I actually GET my period, I:
- am severely bloated to the point where I look pregnant
- have food cravings
- a bottomless pit stomach
- bad skin
- either sad or mad PMS (I either cry at the drop of a hat, or snap at everyone. I feel like I alternate every month)
- awful, intense nauseating cramps where I don't know whether I want to vomit or faint.
Then when it actually comes, I have the same symptoms just not as intense. The only thing that is consistent, is the bloating. I'm talking like, 5-8 pounds extra of water. That means for every 4 weeks of the month, for 2 of them I am noticeably heavier. That's half the year. For half of every year, until I hit menopause I will look fatter than I actually am. How is that fair?!
"Make sure you drink lots of water!" Um, yeah. ALL I drink is water.
It's horse shit! It really is. For every other fourteen days, all I want is sweatpants, carbs, a heating pad, and a blanket. How the hell am I supposed to be motivated to work out or eat healthy when I feel like that for HALF MY ADULT LIFE!? UGH!!!!!!!
End rant.
P.S. I'm not using mother nature as an excuse at all. I'm just saying it sucks bloody balls to have that added to the mix of everything. Just sayin'.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Weekend Recap and Proof That I Am Getting Old!
This weekend I ended up being really productive! On Saturday, Mike had to work all day which left me home to entertain myself. Since I can't work out still, I was trying to figure out something I could do to be active besides walk on the treadmill. Well I did some googling and youtubing and found a little ballet workout that was intended for women who just had a baby, so it was pretty low key. I was pretty excited about it, because I did ballet for a while, and on the website there were a couple of different workouts posted. This particular one was about 35 minutes long, and all you needed was a chair to act as the barre :) I was so into it, I even wore my thigh high leg warmers! I definitely thought that I looked like this:
But really I probably looked like this:
Trust me, if I had a tutu, I probably would've worn it too…
Anyway, I did about 10 minutes of the routine and then my dear friend called me. We chatted for a good half an hour and then I went back to the video. By the time I was done, I was actually sweaty and my heart rate was pretty high! (That's also because I'm severely out of shape.)
On Sunday we went to Michael's new gym to paint it before his equipment gets delivered. I painted for a few hours and that's more activity than the Sunday I was planning on having! Well, because it was freezing in the gym, I ended up hurting my back pretty bad. (I'm currently sitting here with an IcyHot patch on my back. Waaahh!) I don't know if it was just from the painting, or the painting/ballet combo I experienced this weekend. I had my physical therapist boss take a look at me and he said my back was "stuck in extension", whatever that means. So now I have to wait til I feel better to do anything else. Awesome.
After painting, we had tickets to the Greatest Chefs of Long Island at Crest Hollow Country Club. It was basically 2 huge rooms set up with different booths of all really popular restaurants. They each had one or 2 mini plates of popular items to sample. Michael had a field day, but I had a hard time because like, 75% of everything was meat. I had one salmon plate, one sushi plate, one risotto, and the rest was all dessert. Oh, you bet I sampled every dessert booth there. Salted caramel gelato = PURE ORGASMIC DELICIOUSNESS.
I was supposed to get my BodyMedia arm band delivered today and was so excited, but it never got taken off the truck and I have to wait another day or 2. Soooo, I'm treating myself to some homemade chocolate chip cookies tonight and watching the original Rudolph. Let's not forget my hot pink, floor length terrycloth robe and fuzzy leopard print blankie. Snooki would be proud.
But really I probably looked like this:
Trust me, if I had a tutu, I probably would've worn it too…
Anyway, I did about 10 minutes of the routine and then my dear friend called me. We chatted for a good half an hour and then I went back to the video. By the time I was done, I was actually sweaty and my heart rate was pretty high! (That's also because I'm severely out of shape.)
On Sunday we went to Michael's new gym to paint it before his equipment gets delivered. I painted for a few hours and that's more activity than the Sunday I was planning on having! Well, because it was freezing in the gym, I ended up hurting my back pretty bad. (I'm currently sitting here with an IcyHot patch on my back. Waaahh!) I don't know if it was just from the painting, or the painting/ballet combo I experienced this weekend. I had my physical therapist boss take a look at me and he said my back was "stuck in extension", whatever that means. So now I have to wait til I feel better to do anything else. Awesome.
After painting, we had tickets to the Greatest Chefs of Long Island at Crest Hollow Country Club. It was basically 2 huge rooms set up with different booths of all really popular restaurants. They each had one or 2 mini plates of popular items to sample. Michael had a field day, but I had a hard time because like, 75% of everything was meat. I had one salmon plate, one sushi plate, one risotto, and the rest was all dessert. Oh, you bet I sampled every dessert booth there. Salted caramel gelato = PURE ORGASMIC DELICIOUSNESS.
I was supposed to get my BodyMedia arm band delivered today and was so excited, but it never got taken off the truck and I have to wait another day or 2. Soooo, I'm treating myself to some homemade chocolate chip cookies tonight and watching the original Rudolph. Let's not forget my hot pink, floor length terrycloth robe and fuzzy leopard print blankie. Snooki would be proud.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Switching Things Up!
I've been having a slightly difficult time with Weight Watchers. I love the program, but my schedule can get so busy, and I have to eat something quick. It's hard to eat something quick and measure out exactly what you're eating, especially on the go. I was also having a hard time because I rarely eat at home. It's usually at restaurants or take out. I have found 2 great apps that list chain restaurants and their menus, with the points of everything. But, just my luck whatever I decide to eat, would not be listed. I've been trying to estimate but estimating is not enough. Since my surgery, I am not allowed to do any kind of lifting, running or vigorous activity. The stitches are still in and any pressure to the nose could pop them. All I can do is walk. I am proud to say that I have not put on one ounce of weight since last week. I don't know why, but the scale this morning said the exact same thing! At least I'm not gaining!
Anyway, so after doing some online browsing for holiday gifts, I came across a pretty cool gadget. I initially thought about getting it for my mother. It's called the BodyMedia Core Armband. I did some research on it and basically it's an arm band (duh), that you wear for 23 hours each day. (You take it off to shower and to plug it in to your computer).
The armband is on the left, there is a separate display that you can buy on the right, and then the computer screen shot is what the program looks like on your computer. It tracks how many calories you burn each day, whether you're sitting, laying down or working out. It also acts as a pedometer and counts how many steps per day you take. For your calories in, you are required to log them in on your computer. If all goes well, you should be eating less calories than you burn per day! If you eat 3,500 less calories than you burn per week (a 500 calorie difference per day), that a 1 lb weight loss each week. Another cool thing that it does, is it reads how many hours each night you are actually sleeping. It can tell the difference between you laying down, and actually sleeping. Why does that matter? Well I for instance, do not sleep through the night.. like, ever. There has been research done that if a person is not getting enough sleep, they are hungrier. AND even if they eat a nutritious, satisfying meal, it will not be satisfying to the person. The picture below shows what the inside of the band looks like:
Anyway, so after doing some online browsing for holiday gifts, I came across a pretty cool gadget. I initially thought about getting it for my mother. It's called the BodyMedia Core Armband. I did some research on it and basically it's an arm band (duh), that you wear for 23 hours each day. (You take it off to shower and to plug it in to your computer).
The armband is on the left, there is a separate display that you can buy on the right, and then the computer screen shot is what the program looks like on your computer. It tracks how many calories you burn each day, whether you're sitting, laying down or working out. It also acts as a pedometer and counts how many steps per day you take. For your calories in, you are required to log them in on your computer. If all goes well, you should be eating less calories than you burn per day! If you eat 3,500 less calories than you burn per week (a 500 calorie difference per day), that a 1 lb weight loss each week. Another cool thing that it does, is it reads how many hours each night you are actually sleeping. It can tell the difference between you laying down, and actually sleeping. Why does that matter? Well I for instance, do not sleep through the night.. like, ever. There has been research done that if a person is not getting enough sleep, they are hungrier. AND even if they eat a nutritious, satisfying meal, it will not be satisfying to the person. The picture below shows what the inside of the band looks like:
So I told my mom that I found something for her because I thought she would like it, but she said she didn't want me to get anything for her or my dad. The band was on sale!! I couldn't pass up the deal, so I ordered it. If she still doesn't want it, then I will use it. It's gotten pretty good reviews online!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Post-Op, Thanksgiving Recap & Black Friday Deals!
Wow, Ok. I'm officially the worst blogger ever.
I said that I was going to post throughout my recovery after surgery, but I'm sorry, I was not up to it AT ALL. I was absolutely miserable: so weak, congested, couldn't eat or drink much, swollen and black and blue! I went back to the surgeon on Tuesday and got the splint off, and my nose vacuumed out. They said everything looked great. It was very weird to look at myself for the first time but I got used to it and now I love it. It's not drastic at all, no one could even really tell, unless I show a before picture. Then people are like, "oh wow!". As far as breathing, that still isn't great yet. The doctor said it would take some time because I'm still swollen. The stitches also look like little black hairs coming out of my nostrils. UGH! I am a teeny bit happy though, because I did end up losing some weight throughout this. I got down to 170.0. I know it was all water, but it's always fun to see the number go down.
How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Mine was very nice. I'm the baker in the family, so dessert was up to me. My bestest cousin Samantha, (who should've been my sister), came over early and we baked a pumpkin crumb cake with a brown sugar glaze, and a chocolate raspberry pie. Both came out AMAZING. Our Thanksgivings are pretty low key. There was maybe like 12 people. Luckily my family likes to eat kind of healthy, so there were a lot of vegetable options. I filled half my plate with veggies, then one slice of white meat turkey, a scoop of mashed potatoes and a smaller scoop of sweet potatoes. I was also picking on appetizers all day, so by the time it actually came to sit down and eat the meal, I wasn't even that hungry. For appetizers, I stuck to cucumbers with hummus, pretzels, and roasted peppers. I didn't track that day, but I don't think I did too terrible. When we brought dessert out, no one went for it! Everyone was either diabetic, or on a diet. I was kind of annoyed because I spent all morning making everything and had to take it all home. Do you know what that means? That means I'm eating pumpkin cake for breakfast. With a spoon. Straight from the serving pan.
I weighed myself this morning and am up to 171.6. Not terrible, but don't want it to creep up again!
I did NOT want to deal with what was happening in the picture above. Michael wanted a new TV and wanted to go to Best Buy at midnight, but I talked him out of it. We decided we didn't NEED a new TV. Well boys will be boys, and on Friday after work, he stopped at Best Buy on the way home and texted me asking me if I think he should get it. LOL. Well, Merry Christmas to us, because we now have a new 55" LED TV sitting on our little TV stand in the living room. I have to admit, it is very nice looking.
On Saturday we went to Roosevelt Field to attempt to do some shopping for our families. It was so crowded, and we didn't even know what we were looking for. The first thing we did was eat, and that took up a good half of our time there. All we ended up getting was a few DVDs to watch on the new TV.
I will be doing all of my shopping online from now on, thank you very much.
Back to normal tomorrow! NO MORE PUMPKIN CAKE!
I said that I was going to post throughout my recovery after surgery, but I'm sorry, I was not up to it AT ALL. I was absolutely miserable: so weak, congested, couldn't eat or drink much, swollen and black and blue! I went back to the surgeon on Tuesday and got the splint off, and my nose vacuumed out. They said everything looked great. It was very weird to look at myself for the first time but I got used to it and now I love it. It's not drastic at all, no one could even really tell, unless I show a before picture. Then people are like, "oh wow!". As far as breathing, that still isn't great yet. The doctor said it would take some time because I'm still swollen. The stitches also look like little black hairs coming out of my nostrils. UGH! I am a teeny bit happy though, because I did end up losing some weight throughout this. I got down to 170.0. I know it was all water, but it's always fun to see the number go down.
How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Mine was very nice. I'm the baker in the family, so dessert was up to me. My bestest cousin Samantha, (who should've been my sister), came over early and we baked a pumpkin crumb cake with a brown sugar glaze, and a chocolate raspberry pie. Both came out AMAZING. Our Thanksgivings are pretty low key. There was maybe like 12 people. Luckily my family likes to eat kind of healthy, so there were a lot of vegetable options. I filled half my plate with veggies, then one slice of white meat turkey, a scoop of mashed potatoes and a smaller scoop of sweet potatoes. I was also picking on appetizers all day, so by the time it actually came to sit down and eat the meal, I wasn't even that hungry. For appetizers, I stuck to cucumbers with hummus, pretzels, and roasted peppers. I didn't track that day, but I don't think I did too terrible. When we brought dessert out, no one went for it! Everyone was either diabetic, or on a diet. I was kind of annoyed because I spent all morning making everything and had to take it all home. Do you know what that means? That means I'm eating pumpkin cake for breakfast. With a spoon. Straight from the serving pan.
I weighed myself this morning and am up to 171.6. Not terrible, but don't want it to creep up again!
I did NOT want to deal with what was happening in the picture above. Michael wanted a new TV and wanted to go to Best Buy at midnight, but I talked him out of it. We decided we didn't NEED a new TV. Well boys will be boys, and on Friday after work, he stopped at Best Buy on the way home and texted me asking me if I think he should get it. LOL. Well, Merry Christmas to us, because we now have a new 55" LED TV sitting on our little TV stand in the living room. I have to admit, it is very nice looking.
On Saturday we went to Roosevelt Field to attempt to do some shopping for our families. It was so crowded, and we didn't even know what we were looking for. The first thing we did was eat, and that took up a good half of our time there. All we ended up getting was a few DVDs to watch on the new TV.
I will be doing all of my shopping online from now on, thank you very much.
Back to normal tomorrow! NO MORE PUMPKIN CAKE!
Friday, November 16, 2012
I'm Alive, I Promise!
So sorry I've been MIA!
Yesterday I had my rhinoplasty/septoplasty/turbinate reduction surgery. Wednesday night I got a phone call saying I had to be at the surgery center at 7 am. I woke up at 6 am to get ready. I had to shower with antibacterial soap, take out all my piercings (I have 11!), prepare my couch with a blanket, magazines and all my medicines. I was not nervous at all leading up to it, except for this morning. I was so nervous and nauseous, I was dry heaving until I got to the center. I was the first patient they were taking, THANK GOD, because waiting is the worst part. I was brought in to my room and asked to change into a stunning blue polyester robe, with a blue hair net, and bright blue booties. I looked GOOD.
The anesthesiologist came in to give me the IV which relaxed me right away, and then they were ready. I literally walked into the OR, and got on to the table. All I remember is staring at the ceiling, and there were about 5 nurses in there running around and getting everything ready. Next thing I know, I crack my eyes open in the recovery room and my mom and Michael were walking in. I was SO confused and felt like SHIT. I had no idea that they were putting a tube in my throat during surgery, so my throat was killing me and my mouth was so dry. I could not keep my eyes open at all for about 2 hours. They literally just had to wait for me. I was finally well enough to get up and walk to the car.
As soon as we got home, I got in my comfy spot on the couch and Michael made me a PB&J. Not the best thing to eat when you can barely move your face. I have a splint on my nose, stitches inside, and a gauze drip pad covering my nostrils that is taped to my face. I took a Percocet but it didn't do anything, so I took another one and I was able to sleep for a little bit. My throat is so raspy and my nose is so so congested, it's hard to eat, drink or speak. I'm not taking the pain killers today anymore because I don't want to get sick, so I switched to Tylenol.
So today is day 2. I haven't eaten much today because I have no appetite. I'm really weak, and to top it all off, my monthly friend decided to pay an early visit!
Besides the cramps, I actually don't have that much pain. My nose doesn't hurt, it's just uncomfortable. My throat is doing a little better, as long as I chew gum or something throughout the day to keep it moist. I'm really swollen, but am no where near as bruised as I expected. It's just a little black and blue under one eye. Tomorrow is supposed to be the worst day, and then it will slowly get better.
The splint comes off on Tuesday, and I was told they will vacuum all the shit out so I can breathe. Sounds delicious.
Anyway, here is what I look like right now. And as you can see, I am THRILLED.
It could be a lot lot worse, so I'm trying not to complain, but I swear if Aunt Flo didn't come to town early, I wouldn't be as miserable.
Til tomorrow!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Positive Monday
I had my first official weigh in.
Not TERRIBLE. I did gain like .4 lbs, but after how I ate over the weekend, I'll take it.
I apologize for not updating as often as I'd like. I had originally wanted to write a post everyday with my meals, and points used, but unfortunately I'm dealing with some personal issues that leave me with little time to sit down and focus on a post. I'm just emotionally drained.
On a more positive note though, after my weekend of splurging, yesterday I ate really well and was under my Points range for the day!
1 Apple - 0 points
1 Probiotic La Yogurt Original - 4 points
25 Pistachios - 2 points
1 Taco Salad - 5 points
2 c. Progresso Penne Vegetable soup - 4 points
2 c. Romaine Lettuce - 0 points
2 tbsp. Goat Cheese - 1 point
1 tbsp. Craisins - 1 point
2 tbsp. Light Vidalia Onion dressing - 2 points
3 1/2 oz. Chicken Marsala - 5 points
WW Points used: 24
WW Points remaining: 6
I maaaayyy have eaten 2 fun size Snickers bars at work around 4:00 that I did not track. They probably equal the 6 points I had left, but whatever.. ok fine, let's say I broke even. I do have to say though, compared to the amount of sweets I would be eating normally, that's pretty damn awesome for me!
I haven't worked out since the day with Michael, but my cousin actually showed me these Zumba videos on YouTube that I could do at home. We'll see if I feel like doing that.. I always feel like an idiot doing any kind of at home workout. Those instructors are just too damn energetic for me.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Excuses, Excuses.
Why do people see the weekend as not only a mini vacation from work, but from our diets as well? It is so freaking hard for me to control myself sometimes, especially when going out to eat. I'm sorry, I don't want to go to a restaurant to eat a salad that I can make in my own home. Or have chicken with veggies. Going out to eat is a treat! "Come Monday, I'll go back to being good." How many times have you all said that one?
Friday night, Michael and I went to a really good pizza place after work. I ordered chicken marsala. "Side salad, or pasta?" "Pasta, please!" What is wrong with me!? I was fully conscious of what I was ordering too. If I was really motivated, pasta wouldn't have even been considered. I ended up eating half of the chicken, but I sure did finish the angel hair.
Saturday night, my amazing friend Laura took me to dinner for my birthday. We got an appetizer of chips and spinach dip to share, I got a buffalo chicken sandwich for dinner (ate half), and chocolate fondue for dessert. SO. MUCH. FOOD. It's just so hard to be celebrating something, and not want to fully enjoy yourself. And for me, that involves food.
And today, I payed for all that overeating. Blehh. I almost felt hungover! I did go food shopping though and now my fridge and pantry are filled with easily accessible healthier choices.
Tomorrow is my first official weigh in. I'm not sure how it's going to go with the damage I did this weekend, but we shall see! ::Fingers crossed!::
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
If At First You Don't Succeed..
Man, I picked the worst week to try and get my healthy eating back on track.
Since celebrating my birthday at work was a bust on Monday, my coworker friends made up for it on Tuesday. They got me some gift cards, and a Diamond Candle! They are so awesome. I wanted one for so long! It's a nice big, soy candle and they come in so many different scents. The fun part: inside each candle is a ring worth either $10, $100, $1000 or $5000! I've been burning mine every chance I get so I can get to the ring faster. It's the little things in life people..
Anyway, usually with birthdays at work, that means baked goods are very accessible. A few weeks ago, when asked what kind of dessert I would like, I picked cheesecake. But since I decided to change my ways, I mentioned last week that I would prefer something like chocolate covered strawberries. A little healthier, but still indulgent! Well due to the storm, and people having no power etc, no one had time to make them, which was fine!!! But they did bring in a chocolate layer cake, with chocolate mousse, covered in chocolate ganche! Then my other friend baked Funfetti cookies with Funfetti frosting on top! What was I supposed to do? Say, 'Thanks, but no thanks!'? It was really nice of them to bring in anything for me at all! So I had a piece of cake yesterday, and today I had 3 of the cookies =\ Not my finest moments.
On a more positive note, I DID workout yesterday! I wasn't entirely in the mood, so I asked my boyfriend if he could train me. Give me a little push. Ok… Yes. My boyfriend is a personal trainer. I can just imagine your eyes going wide. "You live with a personal trainer, and still managed to become overweight?! How lazy are you!?" Judge all you want, but when you're comfortable talking back to your trainer, it doesn't make for such effective sessions. When Michael and I were first dating, him training me was fun and a way for us to be flirty and get to know each other. I was also in much better shape back then. Now that we're so comfortable with each other, he tells me to drop and give him twenty, and I tell him to shove it. He ended up taking me through a 15 minute circuit arms routine and because I didn't drink enough water, I felt like throwing up. After a hissy fit that almost turned into a full blown tantrum, I convinced him to let me stop. He said he was never training me again. Yeah, yeah..
I hopped on an exercise bike after the nausea passed and did an interval course for 20 minutes. I was actually sweaty! I have to give Michael credit though, because today my arms and shoulders are SORE. So the guy knows what he's doing.. (sorry babe!)
Today I had another awful day at work, got stuck coming home in rush hour traffic during a nor'easter, and had my windshield wipers die when I was 15 minutes from home. By the time I got home, I was starving and what did I do? Went straight for the Doritos. Dinner was no where near ready and all the fruit I had in the house, I had brought to work. In fact there aren't too many healthy, ready-to-eat snacks in our apartment because of the hurricane.
Tomorrow is another day, right?
Monday, November 5, 2012
A Very Unhappy Birthday To Me.
Today I turned 27.
I feel very indifferent about it. First of all, I feel guilty celebrating anything while most of the tri-state area is working on getting their lives back together after Hurricane Sandy. Plus, I don't like getting older, (but then again, who does?) Every year comes more pressure, more responsibility, and more wrinkles.
The thing I WAS looking forward to, was today was the day I was going to start taking control of my life and my body. I woke up early, had some oatmeal and a banana for breakfast, with some green tea. Great start! My office has had no power for the last week, which meant no work for me! To make up some hours, one of my bosses said I could come in today for a little bit to organize my desk and clean up. Said he'd only need me til 1. That was perfect, this way I had time to do my first workout afterwards. I even wore my gym clothes there, that way I had no excuse. (Just a side note: I work in a physical therapist's office, and we have access to a full gym.) Well, when I walked into my office, we had power back, and since the power was back that meant there was work to be done. I got a big to-do list right away, plus a "Oh, and happy birthday." It was so busy and I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. (Do I get activity points for that?)
By 4:30pm, I was still buried in paperwork and I hadn't eaten or drank anything all day! We weren't closing until 7. There was no way I could make it til then, and if I did, I probably would have binged. Thankfully I didn't even have any junk in my desk to eat. I asked my boss if I could leave at 5, since it was my birthday and I hadn't expected to be there all day. Finally free!!!
Michael, my boyfriend, took me to California Pizza Kitchen for an early dinner since we were both starving. We got chicken lettuce wraps for an appetizer and I got a salad for dinner and only ate half. I DID track the WW points for everything and I went over by 4 points. Not good planning on my part.
I got on the scale at home this morning and it said 173.6 lbs. Very different than the scale at the doctor, but since this is the scale I will be using most, I am going to go by mine.
Tomorrow will be a better day! I will definitely get a workout in, plus I have tons of errands to do after work to keep me busy. As long as I stay busy, I won't be eating out of boredom!
WEIGHT: 173.6
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Two Days Til D-Day!
Tonight I went out to dinner with my parents for my birthday, since during the week it would be harder to get together. We went to my favorite Italian family style restaurant. I hadn't been there in so long and was so excited to be spending one of my last splurging nights there. I barely ate during the day so that I would be hungry and have an empty stomach for dinner. Why don't I ever learn that this a bad idea?
I had one piece of bread with butter before the appetizer came, which was fried calamari. I actually don't like it, so I waited patiently for the salad to come without eating more bread. So far, so good. I finished my entire salad and was happy, thinking maybe my stomach was filling up and I wouldn't do too much damage. Thennnn the main courses came. My eyes were certainly bigger than my stomach. I piled my plate with penne ala vodka (my all time favorite meal), chicken marsala, chicken scarpiello, and angel hair marinara with shrimp. I wasn't part of the clean plate club tonight, which I plead guilty of doing in the past, but I definitely ate too much. I could have done without dessert but honestly, I really wanted to blow out a candle as lame as that sounds. My dad told the waiter to bring out 2 or 3 things because I couldn't decide on anything. I got to make my wish, and had a small piece of chocolate mousse cake with strawberries.
On the way home, I could feel some things going on in my stomach. It HURT. This is like the second time in a week that it's hurt after eating out at a restaurant, (which is where I usually tend to go overboard). I don't like this feeling at all. I'm coming to terms with the fact that I can no longer eat whatever I want. I think it's time to add a probiotic into my daily routine. Do any of you take a probiotic? Does it help?
Friday, November 2, 2012
Weight Loss Plans Reviewed!
Today I thought I'd share you with you some of the weight loss plans that I have tried in the past and what I've liked and disliked about each.
The South Beach Diet: I found this book on my mother's shelf when I was about 18. This was one of the first plans I had ever tried. I was particularly excited about this plan because it promised an 8-13 lb weight loss within the first 2 weeks! Sounded pretty good to me! The first two weeks consisted of cutting out carbs and sugar, even fruit. I had never done this before and wasn't exactly prepared for the side effects to come. The first day was not so bad. I was motivated to lose all those pounds! Not being able to have cookies was alright. Day two was a little more of a struggle. I realized I was going to be eating a LOT of salads with grilled chicken. I don't eat other meat or pork, so my meals consisted of eggs, chicken, veggies and nuts. This can get old, REAL fast. Day three, I was definitely moody. It was my grandmother's birthday and my family was going out to an Italian restaurant for dinner. Let me tell you, I had never been so angry at a bread basket in my life. I believe I sounded like a demon when I slowly said "Get.. the bread.. off.. the table.." while gritting my teeth. Little fun fact about me: I LOVE pasta. So going to an Italian restaurant and not being able to order it, didn't help my already testy mood. I ended up ordering a Ceasar salad with no cheese, no croutons and fat free dressing on the side. Wanna know how this diet ended? On the way home from the restaurant, I stopped at a 7-11 and bought a Snickers bar. I finished it before I made it back to my car.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Doctors Orders
Well, I had to go to the doctor today to get medical clearance for surgery I'm having in two weeks. I get called in, and what is the first thing I'm told to do? Get on the scale. Immediately, I think about the fact that I'm wearing jeans, moccasins, a shirt, a heavy cardigan sweater AND carrying my purse. Surly, they would want me to at least take the sweater and shoes off. Maybe hold my purse for me? The nurse did not instruct me to do any of these things, so I kept my sweater and shoes on, but I put my purse on the floor!! I NEVER put my bag on the floor, (up until now I guess). Yuck.
I never know whether or not I want to look at the number. I hadn't weighed myself at home in a few days, so I decided to take a peek, just to see where I'm at.
She wrote down the number in my chart while keeping an emotionless face. I know from constant checking, that with that weight my BMI is definitely now in the overweight category. I always hung out behind the higher portion of "healthy". Anyway, I got some tests done and she let me know that the doctor would be in shortly. When she left, my chart was very visible on the counter beside me, so I looked. In August, I weighed 169 lbs, and the February prior to that, I was 158. That's a 20 lb gain in 9 months. That's a good amount of weight! It's not like I'm eating fast food and heavy meals everyday. I don't understand! But that number somehow keeps going up.
The doctor came in and I mentioned my concerns, hoping he would maybe tell me that I have a thyroid or metabolism disorder which would explain the weight gain. Hey, maybe I was pregnant! And that's why I get insane cravings and am hungry all the time! …. No? None of these huh? I just eat too much. Got it.
He looked at me and said, "Well, if it makes you feel any better, you certainly don't look like you weigh 180 pounds."
Gee, thanks.
So why are women so obsessed with this number? I can't really talk, because I definitely am to some degree, but I feel like this number defines so much for some of us. Getting back to what the doctor said, no, it doesn't make me feel any better. You could tell me I look amazing, but in the back of my mind I know what my number is. If I looked exactly the same but weighed let's say, 155 pounds I can almost promise you that I might have a little more confidence. Isn't that so bizarre?
Alright, so four more days until I get back on track and get serious. And what does that mean for now? That means I'm getting in a last hurrah of all the foods I won't be able to eat soon. A last minute free-for-all, trying to get all the bad stuff in before it's only in with the good. My dear friend and fellow blogger just mentioned this process in a post and you can read about it here.
Tomorrow I will be going over diets that I have tried in the past, and decide what the winner will be for starting next week!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Birthday Wishes
My 27th birthday is in 5 days, and this is the heaviest I've been in my entire life.
Isn't this stage of my life supposed to be when my metabolism is still great and I can eat an order of fries without my thighs rubbing together for the next week? Not so much the case anymore.
I attribute my recent weight gain over the past 2 years to the start of new medication, along with a change in my job schedule that leads to me sitting on my ass 80% of the day. Two years ago I weighed 145 pounds and thought I needed to lose 5-10 more pounds to really look great. Right now, I would kill to be that 145 again. I am now 175lbs. It just keeps going up, and I feel that I almost can't control it. I don't eat THAT bad. I mean, my meals are mostly healthy-ish, but I do have a sweet tooth. Ok, fine.. I have a whole set of sweet teeth. A meal does not feel complete to me unless I have something sweet after it, and that includes after breakfast. Plus, I don't work out anymore. Ever. I wake up in the morning, get ready for work, sit at a desk for 9+ hours, drive home, sit on the couch to watch TV and unwind, then go to bed. Every part of my day I am either sitting or laying down. It's not healthy at all.
In the past, I have all of a sudden been motivated by someone or something and get into the habit of getting healthy and losing weight. That lasts for about a week. I end up binging, or eating 2 huge bowls of ice cream and think, 'Well.. I already screwed it up royally. Maybe I'll have more motivation next time.' And I wait for the next fad diet or weight loss book to get me going again..
Isn't this stage of my life supposed to be when my metabolism is still great and I can eat an order of fries without my thighs rubbing together for the next week? Not so much the case anymore.
I attribute my recent weight gain over the past 2 years to the start of new medication, along with a change in my job schedule that leads to me sitting on my ass 80% of the day. Two years ago I weighed 145 pounds and thought I needed to lose 5-10 more pounds to really look great. Right now, I would kill to be that 145 again. I am now 175lbs. It just keeps going up, and I feel that I almost can't control it. I don't eat THAT bad. I mean, my meals are mostly healthy-ish, but I do have a sweet tooth. Ok, fine.. I have a whole set of sweet teeth. A meal does not feel complete to me unless I have something sweet after it, and that includes after breakfast. Plus, I don't work out anymore. Ever. I wake up in the morning, get ready for work, sit at a desk for 9+ hours, drive home, sit on the couch to watch TV and unwind, then go to bed. Every part of my day I am either sitting or laying down. It's not healthy at all.
In the past, I have all of a sudden been motivated by someone or something and get into the habit of getting healthy and losing weight. That lasts for about a week. I end up binging, or eating 2 huge bowls of ice cream and think, 'Well.. I already screwed it up royally. Maybe I'll have more motivation next time.' And I wait for the next fad diet or weight loss book to get me going again..
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