Wow, Ok. I'm officially the worst blogger ever.
I said that I was going to post throughout my recovery after surgery, but I'm sorry, I was not up to it AT ALL. I was absolutely miserable: so weak, congested, couldn't eat or drink much, swollen and black and blue! I went back to the surgeon on Tuesday and got the splint off, and my nose vacuumed out. They said everything looked great. It was very weird to look at myself for the first time but I got used to it and now I love it. It's not drastic at all, no one could even really tell, unless I show a before picture. Then people are like, "oh wow!". As far as breathing, that still isn't great yet. The doctor said it would take some time because I'm still swollen. The stitches also look like little black hairs coming out of my nostrils. UGH! I am a teeny bit happy though, because I did end up losing some weight throughout this. I got down to 170.0. I know it was all water, but it's always fun to see the number go down.
How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Mine was very nice. I'm the baker in the family, so dessert was up to me. My bestest cousin Samantha, (who should've been my sister), came over early and we baked a pumpkin crumb cake with a brown sugar glaze, and a chocolate raspberry pie. Both came out AMAZING. Our Thanksgivings are pretty low key. There was maybe like 12 people. Luckily my family likes to eat kind of healthy, so there were a lot of vegetable options. I filled half my plate with veggies, then one slice of white meat turkey, a scoop of mashed potatoes and a smaller scoop of sweet potatoes. I was also picking on appetizers all day, so by the time it actually came to sit down and eat the meal, I wasn't even that hungry. For appetizers, I stuck to cucumbers with hummus, pretzels, and roasted peppers. I didn't track that day, but I don't think I did too terrible. When we brought dessert out, no one went for it! Everyone was either diabetic, or on a diet. I was kind of annoyed because I spent all morning making everything and had to take it all home. Do you know what that means? That means I'm eating pumpkin cake for breakfast. With a spoon. Straight from the serving pan.
I weighed myself this morning and am up to 171.6. Not terrible, but don't want it to creep up again!
I did NOT want to deal with what was happening in the picture above. Michael wanted a new TV and wanted to go to Best Buy at midnight, but I talked him out of it. We decided we didn't NEED a new TV. Well boys will be boys, and on Friday after work, he stopped at Best Buy on the way home and texted me asking me if I think he should get it. LOL. Well, Merry Christmas to us, because we now have a new 55" LED TV sitting on our little TV stand in the living room. I have to admit, it is very nice looking.
On Saturday we went to Roosevelt Field to attempt to do some shopping for our families. It was so crowded, and we didn't even know what we were looking for. The first thing we did was eat, and that took up a good half of our time there. All we ended up getting was a few DVDs to watch on the new TV.
I will be doing all of my shopping online from now on, thank you very much.
Back to normal tomorrow! NO MORE PUMPKIN CAKE!
Adam bought a 47" TV through Amazon. He wanted a 50" (well, he really wanted a 60"...) but couldn't find one for a good enough Black Friday price. The new TV comes today! He's as giddy as a school girl. It will be a nice upgrade from our 32" ... which I now get to have in the bedroom! :D
ReplyDeleteWhich, by the way, is an upgrade from my dying 20" tube TV. Woohoo!!!